2. Have a ton of cookbooks that you love but never end up using? Download Eat Your Books for free and start using all the recipes that you already have.
3. YALSA has created a free Teen Book Finder database that will help you and your students find your next YA read.
4. We haven’t left you out, Middle Grade Readers! Here is a new tool to help you find your next middle grade book!
5. Can’t draw a simple figure to save your life? Join the club. Google has created a new tool to help us artistically-impaired folks. I’ve used it, and it’s amazing!
6. Who knew that our government had an online bookstore? It features hundreds of interesting books and e-books from all government departments, and sometimes their books & e-books are even free!
7. Don’t you hate it when you or one of your students finds a perfect scholarly article and then you hit a paywall? Add a Chrome extension for this magic tool and access that article for free!
8. The Nature Booklist Project is great new database that helps students and their teachers find just the right fiction and nonfiction book on many different scientific topics.
9. Check out the brand-new USAFacts for a “data-driven portrait of the American population, our government’s finances, and government’s impact on society.”