2. If you don't already have an IDNYC card, sign up to get one today! The advantages and free memberships are too many to list here. It also serves as a library card for all 3 local library systems (NYPL, Brooklyn & Queens). Truly the Swiss army knife of IDs!
3. Those people over at the Census Bureau have plenty of data, time, and creativity on their hands. Their website is full of colorful & important backstories of our nation's history. They make primary sources dance!
4. This kinetic up-to-the-minute search engine visually shows the myriad connections between news stories.
5. The folks at the Library of Congress are sponsoring a contest that your students should consider entering! The entry due date for HS students is this Friday (apologies for not sharing this sooner!), but MS students still have time to enter since their entry due date is January 9th.
6. Here is a great bilingual site for ELL teachers, students, and their families.
7. Building your own atom has never been so much fun, or educational!
8. The New York State Archives is yet again throwing cash at students who can do some amazing primary source-related research. I hope some of our MS and HS students enter this contest!
9. This new video archive of the world's top universities' YouTube channels has many interactive advantages for students and teachers alike!